Writing A Letter Cured My Writer’s Block

A.D. Dunk
2 min readJan 12, 2023

Writing a letter cured my writer’s block.

I was texting my friend one day. It was a text that required a quick, straightforward answer. Yet, as I was about to send it, I thought about how creative it would be to reply with a letter. The benefit, you ask? It forced me to write more than one sentence.

There’s something to be said about writing a letter. Writing the letter made me more open and detailed with my thoughts. The words came; they didn’t stop. So what was supposed to be a one-page reply turned into three…

Oddly, I felt the freedom of expression and a constant flow of creativity when I wrote. At one point in the letter, I got philosophical, expounding on the shortness of time and the importance of being present.

My friend told me that when he received the letter in the mail, he was hesitant to open it. The letter (he said) was thick, had no return address, and he had never received anything other than a bill or requests for charity donations. His exact words were, “I was weirded out, Man!” :)

He enjoyed the experience of receiving and reading the letter. It was completely unexpected.

My friend’s reaction inspired me to write more letters. So, I have been writing letters to other people. Same result: surprise! I have been able to connect and reconnect with people.

The letter writing has also allowed me to become more genuine in communicating with others and has deepened my dialogue where before, I either replied or opened my conversations with shallow touches of sarcasm.

So now, in the future, whenever I am in a bind or the words aren’t flowing, I set aside the project I am working on and write a letter. It has become the oil to a Tin Man’s joints and the chapstick to my cracked-tattered lips.



A.D. Dunk

I am a Christian, writer, brother, uncle, and friend.