The Unfolding of Your Word

A.D. Dunk
5 min readJan 5, 2024
Generated with AI. Prompt by A.D. Dunk

When I’m looking for directions, I’m looking for answers. I turn to Psalms 119. I call the Psalm my ‘directions’ Psalm because the Psalmist reflects on God’s law and is determined to obey it. The Psalmist finds solace in the word of God and is given direction.

The verse I cling to is Psalms 119:130, which states: “The unfolding of your words gives light. It gives understanding to the simple.” (Psalm 119:130, ESV). Three words stand out in this verse: unfolding, giving light, and giving understanding.

In Hebrew, the term unfolding means opening or revealing. The word light means illumination or clarity. And understanding means insight or wisdom (Psalm 119:130, NIV).

When the psalmist states that understanding your words’ unfolding gives light, it means that what is hidden has been illuminated. The Psalmist understands that the word unfolds before him once he meditates, giving him clarity. His direction is clear under God’s command. God breaks his word down for the Psalmist. He can easily digest and understand God’s word: “It (word) gives understanding to the simple (Psalm 119: 130, NIV).

Let me share my experience of what happens when seeking the word of God. I open the Bible. I delve in, reading to find answers to my problems. Before I run to the Bible, I am anxious. I am unsteady. Nervous energies surge through me. I’m…



A.D. Dunk

I am a Christian, writer, brother, uncle, and friend.